June 17 Announcement for business alliance with Asian Frontier

June 17th 2015
Preferred Networks Inc.(PFN) and Asian Frontier Co., Ltd.(Asian Frontier) came to the basic agreement on their business alliance in appointing Asian Frontier as a controlling partner of PFN’s partner companies, who wish to apply PFN’s machine learning and deep learning technologies into their solutions.
PFN’s machine learning and deep learning technology have broad deployment potentiality and innovation capability in any business sectors under today’s evolutionary advanced network infrastructure. But, same as many other advanced technologies, deploying such technologies into the business scene, it requires to clarify each business goals and accelerate the development of partner’s business applications properly, which normally took time in the past.
To respond to this issue, PFN appointed Asian Frontier, who has deep experience in Business and IT consultation globally, to efficiently drive the deployment of PFN technology into their partner companies’ business solutions.
PFN plans to establish “Partner Program” for those companies who wish to apply PFN’s machine learning and deep learning technologies into their business solutions.
While PFN keeps focus on the development of his own advanced technology, under this business alliance with Asian Frontier, who brings deep Business and IT consultation know-how, “Partner Program” will benefit partner companies in accelerating their development efficiently.
This “Partner Program” will be started from providing a package software called “DIMo(Deep Intelligence in Motion)”. DIMo provides a platform where each partner company to be able to develop their dedicated solution over the machine learning and deep learning technology.
Asian Frontier, as a controlling partner of this “Partner Program”, will enhance partner companies’ solution development in efficient and timely manner.
* About Asian Frontier
Company Name: Asian Frontier Co., Ltd.
Address: 1-11-28, Nagatacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN
Representative Director: Miguel Angel ESTEVEZ ABE
Founded: September 5th 2007
Preferred Networks Inc.
e-mail: pfn-info@preferred.jp
Asian Frontier Co., Ltd.